The 6 Most Important Tips For Productivity In The Office And At Home

    How do you stay productive?

    Sixteen months. That's how long we've been working at home (for the most part) by corona. While some companies started experimenting years ago, working from home is now a reality for most of us every day. And although working from home has its advantages (read: no travel time, arranging your own time and therefore more flexible and more time for family, sports, and relaxation which in turn ensures a better work-life balance), it can sometimes be a challenge to keep your productivity going at home throughout the week. How do you stay productive both at home and in the office?

    Productivity and your workplace

    Let's say first of all that for most people, they get a lot more work done at home than in e office. You're less disturbed and have more time to focus on your work. But a whole week can get a little monotonous and that in turn makes it hard to stay productive. But how do you stay productive at home?

    No five minutes to read this article? Then read our quick tips below.

    What do you need to work productively at home?

    To work productively at home, several factors are important:

    • The right facilities
    • A good schedule
    • Few distractions
    • Enough inspiration

    The right facilities

    Before you can work from home at all effectively and responsibly, you must have the right facilities. Think of a good computer, a second screen, and a desk chair. If you have room, you can use your own desk. This is often supplemented with a laptop holder and an extra monitor. The right workplace is essential for your productivity. So also consider your internet connection, the presence of an outlet, and the right light (ideally you sit at right angles to a window).

    Looking for good home working facilities?

    Are you looking for good home working facilities for yourself or your employees? On the Workwize platform, your company can create an account to provide you with all kinds of products for your home office. This works as follows: the organization determines a budget per employee and compiles a list of products to choose from. The range of products is enormous and varies from pens to desks, office chairs, and coffee.

    In any case, keep room for flexibility and remain transparent towards colleagues.

    Good planning

    If you have a nice workplace, you can move on to the next step: good planning. Depending on your job, you may already have a fixed schedule. In that case, you must make clear agreements with your manager. Does the schedule have to be followed 100% at home as well? Or can you be more flexible? But even if you work more independently and are in a sense responsible for your own planning: planning is and remains key. Decide in advance what you are going to do and when and try to stick to it. Include breaks where you can do something else for a while. It is recommended that you take a 15-minute break every 90 minutes. In any case, keep room for flexibility and remain transparent to colleagues.

    Find the right planning software for your organization?

    To create a strong schedule for your department or organization, you need the right planning software. But how do you find the right planning software for your organization? The choice is huge, and the selection and implementation of planning software require specific knowledge and experience. The independent experts of Planbizz will help you to make this search a success.

    Few distractions

    You probably have fewer distractions at home than at the office. No colleagues walking by, no walking to the coffee machine, and no cozy lunch break. Yet after working at home for such a long time, you may be looking for that very distraction. And then suddenly that conversation of your neighbors in the garden is a little too interesting. Or suddenly every noise in the street (hello kids playing outside!) catches your eye. Recognizable? To be able to work productively at home you have to make sure that you are less distracted. Make sure you have a quiet workspace (preferably in a separate room), put your phone on silent, and put on the right music. On Spotify, you'll find dozens of playlists that ensure optimal concentration.

    Enough inspiration

    The next point is a bit along the same lines as too many distractions. To work productively at home, you need to have enough inspiration. That doesn't have to be a literal inspiration (after all, not all of us have a job where creativity is important). Inspiration can be interpreted as broadly as you like. It can be a feeling or idea of "Hey, but what if we do this?" or just inspiration (and thus motivation) to get started. Inspiration is rarely found at your desk, so get out there on your lunch break. A brisk walk can often do wonders for your productivity.

    Six quick tips for working productively at home:

    1. Stick to a certain structure (get up at the same time every day)
    2. Make a good schedule (or make sure there is a good schedule at work)
    3. Set up your workplace with the right facilities
    4. Make sure you have enough breaks
    5. Go outside
    6. Keep in touch with your colleagues (and don't just talk about work)

    How do you stay productive at the office?

    As we move more and more towards the hybrid work model with alternation between office and home, you're probably also wondering how to stay productive at the office. In general, the same tips apply here as for working from home, only other factors are more important here. After all, productive work at the office is especially successful if there is room for flexibility and if your employees have the right facilities at their disposal. Sit-down desks, creative office design, plenty of natural light, and enough room for breaks and spontaneous meetings - the keys to success for productivity in the office. The golden rule in our eyes? Be flexible.

    About the authors

    This blog is the first in a series of collaboration blogs between Workwize and Planbizz. Workwize is the platform that allows you to effectively facilitate working from home. Planbizz offers expert assistance in the selection and implementation of Workforce Planning software.

    Workwize | Live Smart, Work Wize

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